Putri Dari
Bapak Karlim (Alm) & Ibu Herlin Indrawati
Putra Dari
Bapak Deden Mudjahidin M (Alm)
& Ibu Luthfatul Laela (Alm)
Soho Pancoran Ballroom –
Jl. MT Haryono Kav.2-3 Lt.9,
Tebet Barat, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan,
DKI Jakarta
Soho Pancoran Ballroom –
Jl. MT Haryono Kav.2-3 Lt.9,
Tebet Barat, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan,
DKI Jakarta
Kami bersyukur, dipertemukan Allah diwaktu terbaik, Kini kami menanti hari istimewa kami.
Our story begins in December 2022. We met for the very first time and yet we felt like we’ve known each other for a very long time. Ever since then, we have created countless of precious memories that surely we will cherish forever.
After we got to know each other for quite some time, we knew for sure that all the sparks and joy that we felt whenever we were together should be translated into one word–a word that holds so many emotions and meaning, it’s “Love”. In January 2023, Fikri confessed his love to Ferin and without a single doubt, Ferin knew that she also has the same amount of love towards Fikri.
Fast forward to September 2023, we decided to take our relationship into the next phase. In front of our loved ones, we promised to take this relationship seriously and gently, and with their blessings, we sailed into the most awaited chapter of our love story.
In May 2024, we will write the prologue of our love story that will be last for a lifetime. There will be so many chapters that we will write together, there will be so many emotions that we will feel, there will be highs and lows along the way, but we know that we will always have each other and be there for each other through thick and thin.
Berikan ucapan terbaik untuk kedua mempelai
Doa Restu Anda merupakan karunia yang sangat berarti bagi kami. Dan jika memberi adalah ungkapan tanda kasih Anda, Anda dapat memberi kado secara cashless
Anda Juga Bisa Mengirim Kado Fisik Ke Alamat Berikut
Merupakan suatu kehormatan dan kebahagiaan bagi kami, apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i berkenan hadir dan memberikan doa restu. Atas kehadiran dan doa restunya, kami mengucapkan terima kasih.
Kami yang berbahagia,