Putri Ke Empat Dari Empat Bersaudara Anak
Dari Bapak Iwa Supian & Ibu Patimah
Putra Pertama Dari Dua Bersaudara Anak
Dari Bapak Budianto & Ibu Tri Istiningsih
Gedung Pertemuan Graha Ceger
Gedung Pertemuan Graha Ceger
Kami bersyukur, dipertemukan Allah diwaktu terbaik, Kini kami menanti hari istimewa kami.
We are in the same junior high school but we don’t really know each other personally. We just follow each other on social media. As time goes by, at the end of November 2022, when Rheza tweeted about something, Bunga replied with some sentences that made Rheza brave enough to have a chat with her in direct message on Twitter and decide to have an advance talk on WhatsApp. After that, in February 2023, we met for the first time and shared some thoughts about life, career, and, of course, relationships. Since then, we have realized that we have liked each other. Long story short, we decide that in early April 2023 we will officially become boyfriend and girlfriend for each other. We know having a relationship nowadays is very hard, and we face so many challenges, happiness, and ups and downs together, and as wise people said “smooth seas don’t make good sailors” we realize all those things happened is to strengthen our relationship and stick with our goal: marriage. After we established ourselves as better partners for each other, we decided to get engaged in early December 2023 and get married in June 2024.
Berikan ucapan terbaik untuk Kedua Mempelai
Doa Restu Anda merupakan karunia yang sangat berarti bagi kami. Dan jika memberi adalah ungkapan tanda kasih Anda, Anda dapat memberi kado secara cashless
Anda Juga Bisa Mengirim Kado Fisik Ke Alamat Berikut
Merupakan suatu kehormatan dan kebahagiaan bagi kami, apabila Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i berkenan hadir dan memberikan doa restu. Atas kehadiran dan doa restunya, kami mengucapkan terima kasih.
Kami yang berbahagia,